Sermon Notes

Romans 9:14-33

I. Let’s continue in the idea of election as discussed last week. V18-33 A. Hope we will look at this today and have a better idea of what is being […]

Sermon Notes

Bulletin 7/8/17

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples WORSHIP YAHWEH Lord, who won’t fear and praise your name? You are the only holy one, and all the nations will come to worship […]

Sermon Notes

Romans 9:14-17

INTRODUCTION: 1. Turn with me in your Bibles to Rom. 9:14-17. 2. Last week we discussed Ron. 9:1-13 part 2. 3. We saw, Who Israel really is. V1-13 A. In […]

Sermon Notes

Bulletin 7/01/17

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples WORSHIP YAHWEH Praise the God and Father of our LordYeshua Christ! God has given us a new birth because of his great mercy. We […]

Sermon Notes

Numbers 20:1-21:10

Numbers 20:1-21:10 1. As we look at this passage I want to put this in perspective, as we look at this The time frame is the month of Abib or […]