Sermon Notes

Deut. 1:1-45

Deut. 1:1-45 1. This is an interesting chapter in Deuteronomy and really deserves to be looked At closely and carefully. 2. Here is Israel about to go into the Land […]

Sermon Notes

Rom. 8:12-17

INTRODUCTION: 1. Turn with me in your Bibles to Rom. 8:12-17. 2. Two weeks ago we took a look at Rom. 8:1-11. 3. We saw, The Life Giving Spirit of […]

Sermon Notes

Bulletin 5/13/17

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples WORSHIP YAHWEH Then, having the same goal, you will praise the God and Father of our Lord Yahshua Christ. Rom 15:6 Sabbath Worship “We […]

Sermon Notes

Bulletin 5/6/17

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples WORSHIP YAHWEH “Praise the Lord God of Israel! He has come to take care of his people and to set them free. Luke 1:68 […]

Sermon Notes

Rom. 8:1-11

INTRODUCTION: 1. Turn with me in your Bibles to Rom. 8:1-11. 2. Last week talked about Rom. 7:1-7 Pt. 2 3. We saw, Our testimony and our rejection. V15:26-16:4 A. […]