Sermon Notes

Let’s read John 1:1-5

I.  John starts off from the beginning. V1-5   A.  Meaning from the beginning of creation.     1.  This is so important we must start breaking down words here:       […]

Sermon Notes

2 Timothy 1:7

The Fearful Church By Rick Chesher I have been watching the responses of the church to this whole thing going on with this covid-19 virus. Some are out raged about […]

Sermon Notes

Midrash “Emor” 2020

Midrash “Emor” 2020 Lev. 21:1-24:23 In the course of this Torah portion we see a number of times that the Heavenly Father states that He is the one “that sanctifies […]

Sermon Notes


Dictionary for Sh’mini” 2020 “Nadab” H5070 נָדָב nâdâb naw-dawb’ From H5068; liberal; Nadab, the name of four Israelites: – Nadab. H5068 נָדַב nâdab naw-dab’ A primitive root; to impel; hence […]

Sermon Notes

Rev. Chapters 2-3

Rev. Chapter 2-3 The Seven Churches The first church mention in chapter two is Ephesus verses 1-7. Ephesus represents the church in the apostolic age according to historicists and some […]