Sermon Notes

Prophesy Fulfilled

    Aired 4/19/15

Sermon Notes

Bulletin 4/18/15

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples Keeping the 7th Day Sabbath “And from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, […]

Sermon Notes

Yahshua Son of Man

    Aired 4/12/15

Sermon Notes

Bulletin 4/11/15

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples Keeping the 7th Day Sabbath “Six days work is done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, a set-apart gathering.  You do […]

Sermon Notes

Bulletin 4/4/15

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples Keeping the 7th Day Sabbath “It is a Sabbath of rest for you, and you shall afflict your beings – a law forever.” Vayikra […]