Sermon Notes

Bulletin 3/28/15

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples  Keeping the 7th Day Sabbath “Between Me and the children of Israel it is a sign forever. For in six days YHVH made the […]

Sermon Notes

Bulletin 3/21/15

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples Keeping the 7th Day Sabbath  “And the children of Yisra’el shall guard the Sabbath, to perform the Sabbath throughout their generations as an everlasting […]

Sermon Notes

The tension between Passover and Sukkot

  Aired 3/15/15

Sermon Notes

Bulletin 3/14/15

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples Keeping the 7th Day Sabbath Six days work is done, and on the seventh is a Sabbath of rest, set-apart to YHVH.  Everyone doing […]

Sermon Notes

Bulletin 3/7/15

Cornerstone Winning Souls and Making Disciples Keeping the 7th Day Sabbath “And you shall guard the Sabbath, for it is set-apart to you.  Everyone who profanes it shall certainly be […]